Comparing Wig Glue and Other Attachment Methods: Pros and Cons

Thinking about trying out a wig but not sure about the best way to attach it? Look no further! In this article, we\’ll be comparing wig glue with other attachment methods, weighing the pros and cons of each. Whether you\’re new to wearing wigs or a seasoned pro, having a comprehensive understanding of the different attachment options available can make all the difference in achieving that flawless, natural look. So, let\’s dive right into it and explore the world of wig glue and other alternatives!

Wig Glue

When it comes to securing your wig in place, wig glue offers a long-lasting hold that can keep your wig securely in place for extended periods. The adhesive nature of wig glue ensures that your wig stays put even during vigorous activities or windy weather conditions. This makes it an ideal choice for individuals who lead an active lifestyle or for those who want to avoid any wig mishaps during special occasions or events.

Long-Lasting Hold

One of the biggest advantages of using wig glue is its ability to provide a long-lasting hold. Once applied properly, the glue forms a strong bond between your natural hairline and the wig cap. This means that you can confidently go about your day without worrying about your wig shifting or slipping out of place. A secure hold also allows you to experiment with different hairstyles, knowing that your wig will stay in place no matter what.


Another notable benefit of wig glue is its versatility. Regardless of the type of wig you have – whether it\’s made of synthetic or human hair – wig glue can be used to secure it firmly in place. It works well on various wig cap constructions, including lace front and full lace wigs. This versatility makes wig glue a popular choice among wig wearers with different preferences and needs.

Easy to Apply

Applying wig glue may seem intimidating, but with a little practice, it can become a quick and easy process. Most wig glues come with applicator brushes or applicator bottles, making it convenient to spread the glue evenly along your hairline. Simply apply a thin layer of glue to your natural hairline or the perimeter of your wig cap, ensuring that you don\’t apply too much glue to avoid any messy excess. Once the glue becomes tacky, carefully press the wig onto your scalp and hold it in place for a few seconds to allow the bond to form.

Messy Removal

While wig glue offers a secure hold, its removal can sometimes be a messy process. Adhesive removers or oils can be used to dissolve the glue, but they can leave residue on the wig, requiring additional cleaning. It\’s important to take your time and be gentle during the removal process to avoid damaging the wig or your natural hair. Proper removal techniques and products are crucial to maintain the longevity and quality of both your wig and natural hair.

Potential Damage to Hairline

Although wig glue can provide a strong hold, it\’s important to note that excessive or improper use of the glue can potentially damage your hairline. Overusing wig glue or not giving your hairline enough time to breathe can lead to hair breakage or even hair loss. To prevent such issues, it\’s essential to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer and allow your hairline regular breaks from wig glue. Taking care of your natural hair is just as important as ensuring your wig stays intact.

Skin Irritation

For some individuals, the adhesive properties of wig glue can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. It\’s always recommended to perform a patch test before applying wig glue to your entire scalp. Apply a small amount of glue behind your ear or on the inside of your wrist and leave it for 24 hours to see if any adverse reactions occur. If any irritation or discomfort arises, it\’s best to discontinue use or explore alternative attachment methods to ensure the health and well-being of your skin.


Wig Tape

Wig tape, in comparison to wig glue, offers a quick and easy application process. It is a double-sided adhesive that allows you to secure your wig in place without the messiness associated with glue. While wig tape can provide a secure hold, it\’s important to consider that its durability may be limited, especially for individuals with oily skin or during humid weather conditions.


Quick Application

One of the main advantages of wig tape is its simple and speedy application process. Wig tape typically comes in pre-cut strips or rolls, making it convenient to use. Peel off the backing from one side of the tape, apply it to your clean scalp or the perimeter of your wig cap, and remove the second backing to attach the wig securely. This hassle-free application method is favored by many individuals who prefer a quick and efficient wig attachment process.

Less Messy Removal

In contrast to wig glue, wig tape offers a less messy removal process. The adhesive qualities of wig tape allow for easy removal without leaving behind residue or requiring additional cleaning. Carefully peel off the tape from your scalp or wig cap, applying a bit of pressure to loosen the bond. This simple removal process can save you time and effort, especially when you need to change or adjust your wig frequently.

Limited Durability

One drawback of wig tape is its limited durability. Unlike wig glue, which provides a strong and long-lasting hold, wig tape may not be as reliable for extended wear or intense activities. The adhesive qualities of the tape may weaken over time or under certain conditions, leading to potential wig movement or displacement. Therefore, it\’s important to consider the intended usage and the longevity you\’re seeking when deciding between wig tape and other attachment methods.


Purchase this Blonde and Black Pixie Cut Lace Wig



Clip-in extensions are a popular choice for individuals who want to add volume, length, or versatility to their hairstyle without the commitment of a permanent attachment method. These extensions typically consist of wefts of hair with small clips attached, allowing you to easily clip them into your natural hair. While clip-ins offer ease of installation and no damage to your hair or scalp, they do come with some limitations.

Easy to Install

Clip-in extensions are incredibly easy to install, making them a convenient option for individuals who wish to change their hairstyle without spending hours at a salon. To install clip-ins, simply section your natural hair, open the clips on the extensions and attach them close to the roots of your hair. Snap the clips shut, ensuring they feel secure, and repeat the process for additional extensions. This quick and simple installation process allows you to experiment with different hairstyles effortlessly.

No Damage to Hair or Scalp

One of the major advantages of clip-in extensions is that they do not cause any damage to your natural hair or scalp. Unlike other attachment methods that involve adhesives or sewing, clip-ins offer a non-invasive way to change up your look. The clips secure the extensions in place without pulling or tugging on your hair, allowing your natural hair to remain healthy and undamaged.

Limited Styling Options

While clip-in extensions provide versatility in terms of installation and removal, they may have limitations when it comes to styling options. The clips used to secure the extensions may be visible, especially if you\’re wearing an updo or high ponytail. Additionally, the placement of the clips may restrict certain hairstyle choices or make it challenging to achieve a completely natural look. However, with creativity and some hairstyling techniques, you can still achieve stunning results with clip-in extensions.



Sewing, also known as wig stitching or wig making, is a method of attaching a wig or hairpiece by stitching it directly onto a wig cap or a cornrow base. This attachment method offers a secure hold and longevity, but it requires professional assistance and can be challenging to remove without damaging the wig or your natural hair.

Secure Attachment

The sewing method provides a secure attachment that ensures your wig stays in place for an extended period. The process involves using a needle and thread to stitch the wig or hairpiece onto a wig cap or cornrow base, creating a strong and durable bond. This secure attachment allows you to confidently wear your wig without worrying about it shifting or coming loose throughout the day.


When it comes to longevity, sewing offers one of the most durable attachment methods for wigs. The tight stitches provide a strong hold that can withstand daily wear and styling. With proper maintenance and care, a wig attached using the sewing method can last for an extended period without the need for frequent adjustments or reattachment.

Professional Assistance Required

Unlike some other attachment methods that can be done at home, sewing requires professional assistance to ensure a proper and secure attachment. A skilled wig maker or stylist will have the experience and knowledge needed to determine the best sewing technique for your wig and natural hair. This professional touch ensures that the stitching is done correctly, minimizing the risk of damage or discomfort.

Difficult Removal

One of the challenges associated with the sewing method is the difficulty of removing the wig without causing damage. Undoing the stitches without proper knowledge or tools can lead to tearing or ripping of the wig or even pulling out your natural hair. To remove a wig attached using the sewing method, it\’s usually best to seek professional help to ensure a safe and successful removal process.



Micro-links, also known as micro rings or bead extensions, are small metal or silicone rings with an inner lining that holds a section of natural hair and extensions in place. This attachment method offers a natural look, a long-lasting hold, but it requires professional application and might potentially cause damage to your natural hair.

Natural Look

One of the main advantages of micro-links is their ability to provide a natural look. The tiny rings used for attachment are discreet and virtually undetectable, blending seamlessly with your natural hair. The extensions are secured in place without the use of adhesives or glues, allowing for a more natural and free-flowing appearance.


Micro-links offer a long-lasting hold, making them an excellent option for individuals seeking an attachment method that will stay in place for an extended period. The metal or silicone rings securely hold the extensions and natural hair together, allowing you to enjoy your desired hairstyle without worrying about movement or slippage. With proper care and maintenance, micro-links can withstand weeks or even months of wear.

Professional Application Required

To ensure a successful and safe application process, micro-links require professional assistance. The accurate placement and sizing of the rings are essential to achieve a secure and comfortable attachment. A trained stylist or extension specialist will have the expertise needed to select the appropriate ring size, position, and secure the extensions and natural hair properly.

Potential Damage to Hair

While micro-links offer a natural and long-lasting hold, they can potentially cause damage to your natural hair. The tightness of the rings and the weight of the extensions can lead to strain on your natural hair, resulting in breakage or traction alopecia if not applied or maintained correctly. It\’s crucial to follow the aftercare instructions provided by the professional and regularly assess the condition of your natural hair to prevent any potential damage.

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