Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz Review

Ready to experience the ultimate in wig and hair system adhesion? Look no further than the Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz. This game-changing product offers a convenient travel size without compromising on its powerful formula. Waterproof and shine-free, this adhesive is specially designed for lace front wigs, toupees, and hair systems. Worried about the removal process? Don\’t be. With options like C-22, Lace Release, or ProTouch Adhesive Remover, you can safely remove the Ultra Hold whenever you desire. Take your hair game to the next level with this must-have product.

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Why Consider This Product?

When it comes to hairstyling, finding a reliable and long-lasting adhesive is essential. That\’s where the Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz comes in. This high-quality adhesive is perfect for anyone looking to ensure their lace front wigs, toupees, or hair systems stay securely in place. It offers numerous benefits that make it a top choice for both professionals and individuals seeking a reliable product.

One of the key reasons to consider the Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz is its proven effectiveness. Scientific research and customer testimonials consistently highlight its remarkable ability to keep hair systems securely attached, even in challenging conditions. This adhesive has undergone rigorous testing to ensure its reliability, giving you peace of mind knowing that your hairpiece will stay in place throughout the day.

Furthermore, the Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz has been endorsed by hairstylists and professionals in the industry. Their recognition and certifications contribute to the product\’s credibility and demonstrate its effectiveness. With such reputable endorsements, you can trust that you\’re investing in a reliable and high-quality adhesive.

[aiwm-amazon-card title=\”Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz\” image_url=\”\” product_url=\”https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001B471HY\” original_price=\”15.99\” discounted_price=\”12.48\” currency=\”USD|$\” availability=\”In Stock\” disclaimer=\”As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases\”]

Features and Benefits

Convenient Travel Size

The Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz comes in a convenient travel size, making it easy to carry with you wherever you go. Whether you\’re traveling for business or pleasure, you can rely on this compact-sized adhesive to keep your hair system securely in place.

Waterproof & Shine Free

With the Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz, you don\’t have to worry about unexpected weather conditions or excessive sweating affecting your hair system. This adhesive is waterproof, providing excellent durability even when exposed to moisture. Additionally, it offers a shine-free finish, ensuring a natural-looking hairstyle without any unwanted glare.

Safe for Lace Front Wigs, Toupees, and Hair Systems

Versatility is a crucial feature of the Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz. It is specially formulated to be safe for use with lace front wigs, toupees, and various hair systems. Regardless of your preferred type of hairpiece, this adhesive is designed to provide a secure hold without causing any damage.

Easy Removal with Specialized Adhesive Removers

Removing the Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz is a breeze with the help of C-22, Lace Release, or ProTouch Adhesive Remover. These specialized adhesive removers effectively dissolve the adhesive without causing any discomfort or damage to your hair or scalp.

Product Quality

The Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz is a product known for its exceptional quality. It is manufactured using high-grade materials and undergoes strict quality control measures, ensuring that you receive a reliable and long-lasting adhesive. Its track record of customer satisfaction and positive reviews is a testament to its superior quality, making it a trusted choice in the industry.

What It\’s Used For

Secure Attachment of Hair Systems

The primary use of the Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz is to provide a secure attachment for lace front wigs, toupees, and hair systems. The adhesive forms a strong bond that keeps your hairpiece securely in place, allowing you to go through your day with confidence, knowing that your hair system is secure.

Enhanced Confidence and Natural Look

By using the Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz, you can enhance your confidence and achieve a natural-looking hairstyle. The adhesive creates a seamless and undetectable attachment, giving you the freedom to style your hair however you please without worrying about stability.

Suitable for Various Activities

Whether you\’re going for a rigorous workout or enjoying a day at the beach, the Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz ensures that your hair system stays put. Its waterproof and long-lasting formula allows you to engage in various activities without the fear of your hairpiece coming loose.

Ideal for Professionals and Individuals

The Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz caters to both professionals in the hairstyling industry and individuals who wear hair systems. Stylists can rely on its superior hold to create stunning and long-lasting hairstyles for their clients, while individuals can enjoy the convenience and reliability it offers for their personal use.


Product Specifications

Specification Details
Size 0.5 oz
Type Adhesive
Waterproof Yes
Shine Free Yes
Safe for Lace Front Wigs, Toupees, Hair Systems
Removal Methods C-22, Lace Release, ProTouch Adhesive Remover

Who Needs This

The Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz is a must-have for anyone who wears lace front wigs, toupees, or hair systems. Whether you\’re a professional hairstylist or an individual seeking a reliable adhesive, this product is designed to meet your needs. It is suitable for all genders and works well for various hair types and styles.

Pros and Cons


  • Proven effectiveness in securing hair systems
  • Waterproof and shine-free formula
  • Trusted by professionals and endorsed by industry experts
  • Easy removal with specialized adhesive removers
  • Convenient travel size


  • Requires adhesive remover for removal
  • Small size may not be ideal for prolonged or frequent use


  1. Will the Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz damage my hair or scalp? No, this adhesive is formulated to be safe for use with lace front wigs, toupees, and hair systems. When used correctly and removed with specialized adhesive removers, it will not cause any damage to your hair or scalp.
  2. How long does the Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz adhesive last? The durability of the adhesive depends on various factors, including climate, activity level, and personal care routine. However, with proper application and maintenance, it can provide a secure hold for an extended period.
  3. Can I swim or shower with the Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz adhesive? Absolutely! The Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz is waterproof, allowing you to engage in water-related activities without worrying about your hair system coming loose.

What Customers Are Saying

Customers who have tried the Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz adhesive have expressed their satisfaction with its reliable hold and ease of use. They appreciate its waterproof and shine-free qualities, as well as the convenience of the travel-sized packaging. Many customers also praise its versatility and suitability for both professional and personal use.

R. Pitcha: \”I usually use Ghost Bond… but I was only getting about a week of wear, if that out of it… I was preparing for a trip to Las Vegas and the heat was in the 100’s, and I just really couldn’t be out enjoying myself and wig slides off lol… So my homegirls homegirl told me about Walker Ultra hold and I ordered… my little sister slayyed my unit and the glue held for a little over 2 weeks… I just ordered another bottle… It is messy so do be careful with application but the hold is there!!!\”

Overall Value

Overall, the Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz is a high-quality adhesive that offers excellent value for its price. Its proven effectiveness, endorsements from industry professionals, and positive customer reviews make it a reliable choice. The convenience of a travel-size package and the peace of mind provided by its waterproof and secure hold attributes further contribute to its overall value.


Tips and Tricks For Best Results

To achieve the best results with the Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz adhesive, follow these tips and tricks:

  1. Cleanse and dry the application area thoroughly before applying the adhesive.
  2. Apply a thin layer of adhesive to the hairline or scalp, avoiding excessive amounts.
  3. Allow the adhesive to set for a few seconds until it becomes tacky.
  4. Carefully place the hair system onto the adhesive and apply gentle pressure to ensure a secure attachment.
  5. Use specialized adhesive removers, such as C-22, Lace Release, or ProTouch Adhesive Remover, for easy and irritation-free removal.

Final Thoughts

Product Summary

The Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz is a top-notch adhesive designed for lace front wigs, toupees, and hair systems. Its convenient travel size, waterproof formula, and compatibility with various hairpieces make it a reliable choice. With endorsements from professionals and positive customer reviews, this adhesive offers exceptional quality and superior hold.

Final Recommendation

If you\’re seeking a high-quality adhesive that ensures a secure and long-lasting attachment for your hair system, look no further than the Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz. Its proven effectiveness, ease of use, and versatility make it a valuable investment for both professionals and individuals seeking a reliable adhesive. Say goodbye to worries about wig or hair system mishaps and confidently embrace a natural-looking hairstyle with the Walker Ultra Hold .5 oz.


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