What Is The Best Way To Keep Natural Hair Under A Wig Frontal After Applying Glue?

So, picture this: you\’re a wig-wearing fanatic, a glue-guru, and you\’ve just achieved the most flawless wig installation ever. But now, the million-dollar question: what on earth do you do with your natural hair hiding beneath that glorious wig frontal? Fear not, fellow wig-enthusiast, for we are about to embark on a journey to discover the absolute best way to keep those locks under control while flaunting your wig like a boss. Get ready to slay, my friend, because we\’ve got some tricks up our sleeve that\’ll leave your natural hair looking fabulous and foolproof, even when your wig game is on point!


1. Overview of wig frontals and glue

Wig frontals are a popular choice for those who want to achieve a natural-looking hairline with their wigs. They are typically made of lace and can be attached to the head using glue or adhesive. But before we dive into the nitty-gritty of wig glue, let\’s first talk about the different types of wig frontals available.

Types of wig frontals

There are two main types of wig frontals: lace frontals and 360 lace frontals. Lace frontals cover the entire front hairline and are perfect for creating a seamless transition between your natural hair and the wig. On the other hand, 360 lace frontals provide even more coverage by extending around the entire circumference of the head, allowing for versatile styling options.

Now, let\’s move on to the star of the show – wig glue! Wig glue is an adhesive used to secure the wig frontal in place, ensuring that it stays put throughout the day. It comes in various forms, such as liquid glue, tape, and gel. Each type has its own pros and cons, so it\’s important to choose the one that works best for your hair type and personal preference.

Types of wig glue

Liquid glue is a popular choice for many wig enthusiasts. It dries clear and provides a strong hold, ensuring that your wig won\’t budge. Tape, on the other hand, is a convenient option for those who prefer a quick and easy application process. Just peel and stick! Lastly, gel glue offers a waterproof and long-lasting hold, perfect for those sweaty dance parties or beach days.

Now that we\’ve covered the basics of wig frontals and glue, let\’s turn our attention to the importance of proper hair care under a wig frontal.

Importance of proper hair care under a wig frontal

While wig frontals can enhance your overall look, it\’s crucial not to neglect the health of your natural hair. Proper hair care under a wig frontal is essential to maintain strong, healthy locks. Neglecting your natural hair can lead to issues such as breakage, dryness, and even hair loss. So, let\’s explore some tips on how to prepare your natural hair before applying the glue.

2. Preparing the natural hair before applying glue

Before diving headfirst into the world of wig glue, it\’s important to ensure that your natural hair is ready for the journey. Here are some essential steps to take when preparing your hair for a wig frontal.

Washing and conditioning the hair

Start by giving your natural hair a good wash and conditioning session. This will not only cleanse your hair and scalp but also provide a solid foundation for the wig frontal. Make sure to use a gentle shampoo and conditioner suitable for your hair type, avoiding any harsh or stripping ingredients.

Detangling and moisturizing the hair

After washing, it\’s time to detangle and moisturize your hair. Use a wide-toothed comb or your fingers to gently remove any knots or tangles. Applying a leave-in conditioner or a moisturizing hair cream can help keep your natural hair hydrated and nourished throughout the wig-wearing experience.

Applying a leave-in conditioner

Once your hair is detangled and moisturized, it\’s time to seal the deal with a leave-in conditioner. This will provide an extra layer of protection and moisture for your natural hair. Simply apply a small amount of leave-in conditioner to your hair, focusing on the ends and any areas that tend to be drier.

Now that your natural hair is prepped and ready, let\’s move on to the next step – applying the wig adhesive glue.

3. Properly applying the wig adhesive glue

Choosing the right wig glue for your hair type is crucial to ensure a secure and long-lasting hold. Here are some tips to keep in mind when applying the glue.

Choosing the right glue for your hair type

Just like finding the perfect shade of foundation, it\’s important to choose the right wig glue that matches your hair type. If you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergic reactions, opt for a hypoallergenic glue. For oily scalps, look for an oil-resistant glue to prevent any slippage throughout the day. Experimenting with different glues and brands can help you find the one that suits you best.

Using a scalp protector

Before applying the glue, it\’s advisable to use a scalp protector to create a barrier between your skin and the adhesive. This will help protect your scalp from any potential irritation or damage caused by the glue. You can find scalp protectors in the form of sprays or lotions, and they are a must-have for those with sensitive skin.

Applying the glue in thin layers

Now, it\’s time for the glue application process. Start by applying a thin layer of glue along your natural hairline, making sure to leave a small gap between the glue and your actual hair. This will prevent the glue from seeping onto your natural hair and causing any unwanted stickiness. Remember, less is more when it comes to wig glue – you don\’t want to end up with a glob of adhesive on your head!

Now that the wig frontal is ready to be adhered to your scalp, let\’s talk about protecting your natural hairline with a wig cap.

4. Protecting the natural hairline with a wig cap

A wig cap is an essential accessory to protect your natural hairline and provide a smooth surface for the wig frontal to adhere to. Here\’s how to choose the right wig cap and secure it in place.

Choosing the right wig cap

When it comes to wig caps, there are a few options to choose from. Nylon wig caps are popular due to their lightweight and breathable nature. If you have a darker skin tone, opt for a nude-colored cap to blend seamlessly with your scalp. Additionally, wig caps come in different sizes, so make sure to choose one that fits securely without causing any discomfort.

Securing the wig cap in place

Once you\’ve chosen the perfect wig cap, it\’s time to secure it in place. Start by adjusting the cap to sit securely on your head, ensuring that it covers your natural hairline. Tuck any loose strands of hair underneath the cap and use bobby pins if needed for extra security. This will help create a smooth and seamless surface for the wig frontal to be applied.

Using double-sided tape for added security

For those looking for maximum hold and security, double-sided tape can be a game-changer. Simply apply small sections of double-sided tape along the edges of the wig cap, making sure to leave a small gap between the tape and your natural hairline. Press the wig cap firmly onto the tape, and voila – your wig cap is as secure as Fort Knox!

Now that your wig cap is in place, it\’s time to focus on securing the wig frontal to ensure a flawless and natural-looking result.


5. Securing the wig frontal in place

Properly securing the wig frontal is essential to achieve a seamless and natural look. Here are some tips and tricks to ensure your wig stays put throughout the day.

How to position the wig frontal correctly

Start by aligning the wig frontal with your natural hairline, making sure that it sits snugly and comfortably on your head. Gently press the lace front onto the glue or tape, starting from the center and working your way outwards. Use your fingertips or a small brush to smooth out any air bubbles and ensure a seamless blend between your natural hairline and the wig frontal.

Using adhesive remover for repositioning

Sometimes, we all need a do-over. If you find that the wig frontal isn\’t sitting quite right or you need to reposition it, don\’t panic! Adhesive removers are here to save the day. Apply a small amount of adhesive remover along the edges of the wig frontal and wait for a few seconds. This will help loosen the bond between the wig and your scalp, allowing you to gently peel off the frontal and start fresh.

Securing the wig frontal with bobby pins

To add an extra layer of security and keep your wig frontal in place, bobby pins are your best friend. Carefully insert bobby pins into the wig cap, making sure to anchor them through the lace and into the cap. This will help prevent any shifting or slippage, especially during windy days or vigorous activities. Just make sure to position the bobby pins strategically to avoid any discomfort or pressure points.

Now that your wig frontal is securely in place, it\’s time to talk about maintaining proper hair care under the wig to avoid any damage or breakage.

6. Maintaining proper hair care under the wig frontal

While a wig frontal can be a quick and convenient way to switch up your hairstyle, it\’s important not to neglect your natural hair underneath. Here are some tips on how to maintain healthy, gorgeous locks even while rocking a wig.

Moisturizing the hair regularly

One of the key principles of hair care under a wig frontal is moisture, moisture, moisture! Since your natural hair is tucked away, it\’s important to keep it hydrated and nourished. Apply a leave-in conditioner or a hair oil to your hair regularly, focusing on the ends and any areas that tend to be drier. This will help prevent dryness and breakage, leaving you with luscious, healthy locks.

Avoiding excessive heat styling

While it may be tempting to grab your favorite hot tools and go to town on your wig, excessive heat styling can do more harm than good. Heat can cause damage and weaken your natural hair, so it\’s best to stick to heat-free styling options whenever possible. Embrace the beauty of braids, twists, or buns to protect your hair from unnecessary heat damage.

Protective styling to minimize friction

To minimize friction and prevent breakage, consider incorporating protective styles into your hair care routine. These styles, such as braids, twists, or updos, help keep your hair tucked away and protected from the constant rubbing and friction caused by the wig. Just make sure not to pull the styles too tightly, as this can lead to tension and hair loss. Remember, healthy hair is happy hair!

Now that we\’ve covered maintaining proper hair care, let\’s move on to the next step – removing the wig frontal and cleaning the hair.


7. Removing the wig frontal and cleaning the hair


 Wig Glue Review: KISS All Mighty Bond Lace Front Glue

After a long day of slaying with your wig frontal, it\’s time to bid farewell and give your natural hair some well-deserved TLC. Here\’s how to gracefully remove the wig frontal and clean your hair.

Gently removing the wig frontal

Start by using a wig adhesive remover to gently loosen the bond between the wig and your scalp. Apply the adhesive remover along the edges of the wig frontal and wait for a few seconds to allow it to work its magic. Slowly and carefully peel off the wig frontal, starting from one side and working your way to the other. Take your time and be gentle to avoid any unnecessary tugging or pulling.

Using a gentle cleanser for the scalp

Once the wig frontal is off, it\’s time to cleanse your scalp and remove any residue left behind by the wig glue. Use a gentle cleanser specifically formulated for the scalp to ensure a thorough yet soothing cleanse. Massage the cleanser into your scalp using your fingertips, paying extra attention to any areas that may have accumulated product build-up or sweat.

Deep conditioning the natural hair

After cleansing, it\’s time to show your natural hair some love with a deep conditioning treatment. Choose a deep conditioner that is suitable for your hair type and apply it generously from root to tip. Let the conditioner sit for the recommended amount of time to allow it to penetrate your hair shaft and provide intense moisture and nourishment. Rinse thoroughly and revel in the softness and shine of your revitalized locks!

Now that your natural hair is fresh and clean, let\’s talk about some tips for long-lasting wear and maintaining healthy hair.

8. Tips for long-lasting wear and healthy natural hair

To ensure that your wig frontal stays put and your natural hair remains healthy, follow these helpful tips and tricks.

Avoiding excessive wig glue usage

While wig glue is necessary to secure the wig frontal, excessive usage can lead to buildup and potential damage to your natural hair. Be mindful of the amount of glue you apply, focusing on thin layers rather than globs of adhesive. This will help maintain the health of your natural hair and make wig removal a breeze.

Allowing the natural hair to breathe

Give your natural hair some breathing room by avoiding wearing wigs or wig frontals continuously. Take breaks in between wig-wearing days to allow your scalp and hair to rest and rejuvenate. This will help prevent any potential damage caused by constant pulling and tension on the hairline.

Regular hair and scalp massages

Treat yourself to a hair and scalp massage regularly to stimulate blood circulation and promote hair growth. Use your fingertips or a scalp massage tool to gently massage your scalp in circular motions. Not only is this a relaxing and enjoyable activity, but it also helps nourish the hair follicles, leading to stronger, healthier hair.

Now that you\’re armed with these tips for long-lasting wear and healthy hair, let\’s discuss some common mistakes to avoid when dealing with wig frontals.


9. Common mistakes to avoid with wig frontals

To ensure a flawless and enjoyable wig-wearing experience, steer clear of these common mistakes.

Applying too much glue

We get it – wig glue is magical, but there\’s such a thing as too much of a good thing. Applying excessive quantities of glue can lead to a mess and make wig removal a daunting task. Stick to thin layers and remember, less is more!

Neglecting to moisturize the natural hair

Your natural hair deserves just as much love and attention as your wig. Neglecting to moisturize can lead to dryness, breakage, and overall unhappy hair. Remember to moisturize regularly and show your natural hair some TLC.

Pulling the wig too tightly

While we all want our wigs to stay put, pulling them too tightly can lead to tension and hair loss. Avoid applying excessive force and opt for a secure but comfortable fit. Your scalp and hairline will thank you!

Now that we\’ve covered some common mistakes, let\’s move on to the final point – seeking professional advice and assistance.

10. Seeking professional advice and assistance

If you\’re new to the world of wig frontals or find yourself struggling with any aspect of their application or maintenance, don\’t hesitate to seek professional help. A hairstylist experienced with wig frontals can provide valuable advice and assistance tailored to your specific needs. They can guide you in choosing the right products, offer styling tips, and ensure that your natural hair remains healthy and happy.

Additionally, regular trims can help maintain the health of your natural hair. Seeking professional trims is essential to prevent split ends and encourage healthy hair growth.

Lastly, knowing when to give your natural hair a break is key. Wig frontals can be a fun and versatile option, but your natural hair deserves some time to breathe and rejuvenate. Listen to your hair\’s needs and let it take center stage from time to time.

In conclusion, wig frontals and glue can be a game-changer in transforming your look and boosting your confidence. By following the proper steps for hair care, glue application, and wig maintenance, you can enjoy the best of both worlds – a stunning wig and healthy, gorgeous natural hair. So go ahead, unleash your inner wig aficionado, and rock that wig frontal with style!

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